Our mission is simple.

To consistently produce and advocate for high-quality community musical theatre for London, Ontario, Canada and the surrounding area.


MTP’s 2-3 annual productions are chosen through a formal proposal process where members of the London, Ontario, community are encouraged to submit their ideas for consideration.

Interested parties must form a complete artistic team comprising of producer, director, musical director, choreographer and stage manager who are prepared to produce a show. Musical productions are selected on an annual basis.


Musical Theatre Productions welcomes anyone who is interested in musical theatre or a supporter of the local arts community. We encourage you to become a member in order to receive advance and up to date notice of all MTP auditions, shows, partner news and special events. Memberships are $25 and are valid for one year.

All participants in our productions (artistic team, production team, cast) are required to be members of MTP.

Code of conduct

MTP is committed to creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable entertainment experience. Our two Codes of Conduct, one for our community and one for our patrons, sets clear standards of behaviour and aims to create a positive environment that supports MTP’s mission. The “MTP Community” means anyone participating in an MTP production, and a “Patron” means anyone who is attending any MTP event.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is elected by the members of Musical Theatre Productions at the Annual General Meeting held each year in October. The Board’s complement is a minimum of seven (7) and a maximum of thirteen (13), presently filled at its maximum members. The terms are staggered with each newly elected member serving a three-year term unless he/she is simply completing the balance of the term of a member who has left office.


Being operated entirely by volunteers, Musical Theatre Productions is extremely pleased to acknowledge the ongoing partnership and in-kind support of:

  • Old Oak Properties

  • The London Arts Council

  • London Community Foundation

  • Ad Home Creative

Musical Theatre Productions also acknowledges the support of past partners Image Automotive, Robert Han (accountant), OE Canada, Gord Hardcastle (accountant), Advanced Image Werx, CitiPlaza, Sifton Properties, the Government of Ontario, and Corporate Imaging Print Centre.


By supporting our organization and taking advantage of one of our many sponsorship opportunities you will be demonstrating your support for live, amateur theatre in the City of London and nurturing the unique talent within our community. We rely on the contributions from generous arts supporters in order to continually provide one-of-a-kind opportunities.

To find out more about advertising, contact our Publicity Director at publicity@mtplondon.ca

Donations & Sponsorship

By sponsoring our organization you will not only contribute to the ongoing success of MTP’s performances and initiatives but will also help to support London’s local arts community.

not-for profit Registration

Musical Theatre Productions is registered with The Ontario Ministry of Finance as a not-for-profit organization (Ontario Corporation #784278).